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AIP (美国物理联合会)数据库
2016-03-14 16:33  


American Institute of Physics(AIP)创立于1931年,以「增进物理学知识的发展与传播,及物理学为人类造福」为宗旨。AIP是一家出版研究性期刊、杂志、光盘、会议论文集及名录(包括印刷品和电子版)的专业出版社。AIP所提供的全面的专业出版技术及服务,从管理与协同、编辑与校对、再到文献准备工作等,都由高素质的专业出版人员完成;富含特色的网络数据库及高品质的在线期刊传递,成就了AIP在物理学电子期刊出版领域的领导地位。



AIP创建的著名物理学门户网站Scitation (scitation.aip.org) 收录了约27个出版社的170多种物理学相关科技期刊,并提供用户书目和文摘信息的免费访问服务。

The American Institute of Physics (AIP) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit membership corporation created for the purpose of promoting the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of physics and its application to human welfare. It is the mission of the Institute to serve the sciences of physics and astronomy by serving its member societies, by serving individual scientists, and by serving students and the general public.

As a "society of societies," AIP supports ten Member Societies and provides a spectrum of services and programs devoted to advancing the science and profession of physics. A pioneer in digital publishing, AIP is also one of the world's largest publishers of physics journals and produces the publications of more than 25 scientific and engineering societies through its New York-based publishing division.

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